BlackBerry has just announced that their latest update to BlackBerry Messenger will support file sharing with a larger capacity and bigger emoticons.
So far the file sharing feature in BBM only limited to 6MB limit , this is what will be corrected by the BlackBerry at the next update that will allow users to send a file of 16MB . It is of course provide easy in terms of sharing the photos in a group chat .
" With the millions of people who depend on the BBM to connect with your relatives that is important , we want to provide the best messaging experience that can be applied . Thus we receive feedbacks and tried to put out the new features and the development of the BBM " , noted Jeff Gadway head of production and marketing of BBM in their blog post .
At the end of 2013 , the BlackBerry has just developed their BBM service on iOS and Android platforms to further add strength and take part in the sale of applications in the market . BlackBerry is also rumored to be carrying BBM on the Windows Phone platform and Nokia X.
Latest BBM update is planned to be implemented in BB10 , Android and iOS in the coming weeks .
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